
Active Research



Pierce Family

Jackson family

Lee and Cook families - ancestors of Ann Lee

Boyce family research is shown on this existing page but Boyce ancestors summarises this branch

Photo of Uncle Jim’s daughter’ is probably Martha Pierce Stanley

Trigg and Denyer families

The Clarkes and Bulls - all ancestors of Staffurth Clarke jun, including recent revisions.

Wyman ancestry

Knight Branch - parents of Ann Knight - Mary Bond’s mother

Hodge Branch - Nancy (Ann) Hodge who married Isaac Pullen - the Hodges were from Dymock in Gloucestershire, and ancestors also from Newent and Pauntley

Varnden ancestry

Woodwards and Wise families from Packwood and Solihull, Warwickshire

Edis family from Elton, Huntingdonshire

Further Ancestry of the Bond family

Jane Hall ancestry

Webster - St Ives Ancestors of Sarah Webster of St Ives, Huntingdonshire

Further Holmes Ancestry

Wood family of Stockport

Hallworth family of Norbury

Brewster family of Gloucester and Bromley

Neesham family

Tracing the Catalina name - the Spanish connection to the de Gallegos family

Cole Family of Devon, Sudbury and Southwark

Shaw family of Mottram in Longdendale

Constable and Margesson family of Dorking area Dorking and Ockley

Catlow line - Quakers in Lancashire under construction

Leah family

Bicknold/Bignold family

Booth Family

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