
Will of Jane Risbridger widow of Godalming 1569 (maiden name unknown) (Noncupative, i.e. verbal will)



In the name of god Amen Jane Rysbydgerof the p[ar]ishe of

Alleburye wydowe beynge sycke of bodye but of good

and p[er]fecte remembrance thanks bee unto god mad this

her laste will nuncupatyve & she gave and bequeathed her

soule unto allmyghty god, and willedd her bodye

to be buryed in xpian (christian) Buriall Item she gave and bequethed

unto Godlye Rysbyger her daughter a browne cowe

iiij yewes, ij Candlestyckes a flygg flocke bedd w[it]h the

appurtenances a Cubberd, a lyttel Cawdron,

a kettell and vj platters, Item she gave and bequethed

to Elene Rysbyger her daughter an heyfer of ij

yeres age, iiij yewes, vj platters and ij Candellstycks The

reste of her goodes Cattels and ?eblles she gave

and bequethed to Henrye Rysbyger her sonne.

Wytnesses hereunto Bartholomewe Bowdoke

Curate Thomas Symons Richard Colyer

Thomas Mathewe


probatu[m] fuit xxio marti huiusmodi at

executor  &c Henrece Risbyger fili natu[ral]

et l[egit]im et executor d[i]c[ti] defuncti in

h[uius]mod Testamentes no[m]i[n]at ? Quo

Commissa fuit Ad[ministrand]o  de bene et

meal? ? ? Salvo? et ytn as





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