
Document 1635 where John Terry gives his share of the Advowson and Rectory to Stephen Terry his son



To All and singular to whom theis p[rese]ntes shall come to be seene John Terry Citizen and Gouldsmithe of London sendeth greetinge in or Lord god enioyeinge Whereas

Henry Braborne Citizen and Fishmonger of London and Dorithie his wife by their Indenture bearing date the Nyne and Twentieth day of February Anno

dni iuxta ec 1627 and in the Third yeere of the Raigne of or sovraigne Lord Kinge Charles that nowe is for the consideracon therein expressed did graunte

bargaine sell enfeoffe assure and Confirme unto the said John Terry and Stephen Terry then of Caius College in the universitie of Cambridge Master

of Artes sonn of the said John Terry and to their heires and assignes for ever All that the Rectorie or Parsonage and Parsonage house of Warfeild in the

County of Berks, wth all and singuler the Rightes members and appurtenances thereof situate lyeng and beinge in Warfeild and in the parish of Warfeild in

the said county of Berks, and the Advowson righte of Patronage and presentacon of and to the Vicaridge of Warfeild aforesaid and all and singuler houses

buildings Tithes glebe lands oblacons obvencons profitts Comodities emoluments and hereditaments whatsoever to the said Rectorie or Parsonage belonginge

or in any wise appertayninge, And also that peece or parcell of ground lyeinge and beinge before all that one messuage or Tenemt late of John Marden

as the same is nowe devided into Three ptes and taken owt of the Comon situate and beinge in Wingfeild in the said Countie of Berks and late was in the

tenure or occupacon of the said John Marden or his assignes To have and to hould the same Rectorie or Parsonage houses buildings glebe lands Tenemts, and

the said Advowson right of Patronage and Presentacon to the said Vicaridge of Warfeild aforesaid and all other the prmisses before in and by the said Indenture

bargayned and sould or ment menconed or intended to be bargayned and sould wth their and every of their rightes members and appurtenances, unto the said

John Terry and Stephen Terry theire heires and assignes for ever, To the onely proper use and behoofe of the said John Terry and Stephen Terry and of their heires

and assignes for ever, As in and by the said Indenture, more at large it dothe and maye appeare Nowe, knowe yee That I the said John Terry as well in

Consideracon of the naturall love and affection wch I beare unto the said Stephen Terry my sonn, and for his better preferment and mayntenance in

time to come; as for divers other good causes and consideracons me in this behaulfe especially moevinge have  Remysed relleased and alltogeather

quiteclaymed. And by theis p[rese]ntes for me myne heires and assignes doe Remyse rellease and forever quiteclayme unto the said Stephen Terry my

sonn, (in his full and peaceable possession beinge) and to his heires and assignes for ever, All that the said Rectorie or Parsonage and Parsonage house of

Warfeild aforesaid, and the Advowson and psentacon of and to the said Vicaridge of Warfeild, and all the said houses buildings glebe lands Tythes oblacons

obvencons profitts and hereditaments to the said Rectorie or Parsonage belonginge or appteyninge; and alsoe all that the said peece or pcell of ground

nowe devided into three ptes, situate and being in Wingfeild in the said County of Berks, and all other the prmisses herein before recited wth their rightes

members & appurtences And alsoe all the estate righte title use intereste Clayme and demand wch I ever had, nowe have, or by any wayes or meanes

hereafter I or either I or mine heires shall or maye have or Clayme of and in all and singuler the said Rectorie or Parsonage Advowson lands Tythes and

other the prmisses  before menconed and of and in every pte and pcell thereof, Soe as neyther I the said John Terry nor mine heires nor any other by us for us

or in the name or names of us or any of us any Righte state title clayme use interest of in or to the said Rectorie or Parsonage Advowson lands

tenemts Tythes and prmisses or any pte or pcell thereof from henceforthe shall or maye challenge Clayme or demand by any waies or meanes whatsoever. But

from all action of righte state title clayme intereste & demand to be utterly and forever excluded and barred by theis p[rese]ntes And I the said John Terry

and mine heires the said Rectorie or Parsonage and Parsonage house of Warfeild aforesaid the said Advowson righte of Patronage and psentacon to the

said Vicaridge of Warfeild, the said houses lands Tythes and all other the afore menconed prmisses wth their rightes members and appurtences, unto the

said Stephen Terry his heires and assignes in manner and forme aforesaid, against us and owr heires and against all and every other psone & psones

lawfully Clayming in by from or under us or any of us, shall and will warrant and forever defende by theis p[rese]ntes In Witnes whereof I the said

John Terry have hereunto putt my hand and Seale, dated the Twentithe day of May, In the Eleaventhe yeere of the Raigne of our soveraigne

Lord Charles, by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland, defender of the faithe ec Annoqs dni 1635

Jhon Terry


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